
A Justin Bieber Sex Toy Might Just Become The Next Big Thing

It was the dick pic seen round the world. Don’t act like you didn’t run straight to Google when you heard Justin Bieber’s nudes were leaked. I know you did. We gasped. We zoomed. We stared. We maybe shed a tear. But we were all pleasantly surprised. And just like the lovable asshole he is, he claims the photo we all saw was actually “shrinkage.” I’m vomiting in my mouth and swooning all at once.

Now that we’ve all become acquainted with “Jerry,” as Beliebers have so eloquently named it, it was only a matter of time before this happened. I’m talkin’ bout your very own personal Justin Bieber dildo. A real life company called “Clone-A-Willy,” that does exactly that, has apparently offered the Biebz $1 million to get replicas made of Jerry for lonely obsessed fans everywhere. The company thinks this product could help promote his upcoming album Purpose. Maybe with each dildo purchased they throw in a copy of Purpose? Sounds like professional, successful marketing to me.

I gotta admit, Jerry’s net worth is probably waaay more than $1 mill. Which is depressing in two ways:

1. This promotion scheme will probably fall through.
2. Justin Bieber’s peen is worth more than you’ll ever be.


[via Elite Daily]

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email: [email protected]

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