
Woman Gets Kidney Transplant Thanks To A Right Swipe On Tinder


Going on Tinder usually results in one of four things:
•A creepy guy feeds you creepy lines that you immediately feel creeped out about.
•A one night stand.
•A relationship.
•Or a pizza/milkshakes/whatever you can get the poor sucker to buy you.

For one woman, however, Tinder brought something a little bigger, a little better, and a little more life-changing. Thanks to the sex dating app, 47-year-old Erika Bragan has found a much needed, and lifesaving, kidney donor.

According to The New York Post, it all started when Erika’s friend, Jennifer Thomas met a guy, Rich O’Dea, on Tinder. They had mutual friends, they were both pretty hot, and so, like most of us do, they swiped right agreed to meet up. In July they went on a date and got to know each other. They talked about favorite foods, what they liked to do, and their friends. But it was during that friend conversation that Rich “opened up.”

He told Jennifer that his good friend, Erika was in desperate need of a kidney transplant due to a rare disease. He talked about how long Erika had been waiting for a donor (three years), how scared she was for her children (she had two of them), and how much he hoped they would find a match.

Well Jennifer being the wonderful person that she is, decided to help. A week later she texted Rich asking if there was anyway she could find out if she would be a match for his friend. As a mother herself, Jennifer couldn’t imagine what Erika was going through, and she decided she wanted to help.

Feel bad about yourself yet? Don’t worry. It gets worse.

Rich told Yahoo,

“I didn’t realize she was completely serious about being a kidney donor,” said O’Dea. “We were on a Tinder date, after all! But that just speaks to her character — she is so passionate and caring and driven. Jenn had such a positive response to talking about Erika and her family, and she seemed genuinely interested in helping out any way she could.”

Swoon. Unfortunately for everyone who has ever seen a Nicholas Sparks movie, Rich and Jenn decided not to date. But what happened was actually better, in a Jodi Picoult, cry-your-eyes-out-and-feeling-everything kind of way. Rich got Jennifer in touch with Erika and her family. Jennifer underwent complex tests for months. And because sometimes romantic fiction actually becomes reality,

Jennifer is a match. Because, of course she is.

On November 18, Jennifer will change a life, Erika will receive a new kidney, and everyone will live happily-ever-after. Maybe Jennifer didn’t end up with the guy, but what she got was even better. So keep swiping right, and maybe you too will receive the opportunity to become totally famous save a life, make a difference, and be an inspiration.

[via The New York Post, Yahoo]

Image via Facebook / Roch O’Dea

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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