
All Of Your Favorite Disney Movies Are Coming To Netflix


As if you needed another reason to spend endless hours attached to your sofa, Netflix is here once again to support your obsessive habits. Coming this September you can relive all the magic that is Disney movies without having to pull out your dusty VHS player. Netflix has gone the distance in a new deal and it’s about to be a whole new effing world.

In a recent blog post from Netflix’s Media Center, the company has stated “from September onwards, Netflix will become the exclusive US pay-TV home of the latest films from Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar.” Yeah, that’s right, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Pixar are being added too. So whether you’re a Disney princess lover, a superhero fanatic, a Jedi-in-training, or something in between, Netflix has got you covered.

There’s no word yet on exactly what movies will be added, but the possibilities are truly endless. Will we be admiring Ariel’s effortlessly luscious locks? Will we be following Marlin in the search for his son? Will we have to suffer through the deaths of Mufasa or Bambi’s mother once again? Will we get to hang with Andy and all his talking toy BFFs? Actually, it really couldn’t hurt to catch up on the animated Belle and her Beast before the fabulous Emma Watson graces us with the live-action version. Only time will tell what movies we’ll be enjoying. Less than 100 days actually, but who’s counting?

I guess it really is true, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true. Thanks, Cinderella, for the inspiration. But most of all thanks, Netflix, for answering our prayers.

[via Netflix]

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Blackout_B (@b_m4rie) enjoys drinking beer by the gallon and making memories she'll never actually remember. When she isn't embarrassing herself by making out with randos on the dance floor, you can find her pretending it's normal to drink a glass of wine with breakfast every day. It's fun to sit down with her on Sunday mornings and hear how fucked up her weekend was.

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