
Diet Coke’s New Label Will Totally Ruin Your Day

Diet Coke

There is nothing more infuriating than finding out that you bought brownish black eyeliner instead of blackest black as you are putting it on your eye. You can’t return it because you already opened the packaging, so you either have to suffer through a few months of muffed up makeup or go buy another tube. That didn’t happen with Coke. Each flavor had a different color (red was regular, silver was diet, zero was black, etc.) which made it easier for us who are too busy to read labels.

But now, Coca-Cola has stripped that privilege from us. Now each can will have a big red circle on a background that will indicate each flavor:

• Red = Original/Classic
• Silver = Light/Diet
• Black = Zero
• Green = Life (less sugar, has Stevia Leaf Extract)

What was wrong with the originals? We all know Coke is Coke and we don’t need to unify ourselves. Coca-Cola is a company of tradition. It is a symbol of America. It stands the test of time, as should the labelling. I’m a proud Diet Coke girl and I want to raise my silver can in the air to announce it to the world.

There’s just something about raising that DC can that makes us feel so damn skinny. Don’t take that away from us. Please?

[via Business Wire]

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to [email protected] or by smoke signal.

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