
Lambda Chi Alpha Leaves National Interfraternity Conference

Lambda Chi Alpha Leaves National Interfraternity Conference

After 106 years as part of the National Interfraternity Conference, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity has elected to leave the NIC for reasons and values that they claim no longer align with their own, the fraternity stated in a press release.

“For more than a century, we have supported the NIC’s efforts and advocated for its stated principles and values,” said Fletcher McElreath, chairman of the Board, Lambda Chi Alpha. “Unfortunately, the NIC has recently elected to pursue counterproductive tactics that we believe are antithetical to our values and we cannot support them.”

Recently, the NIC has been struggling from internal governance dysfunction that has led to in-fighting and the development of factions that are a distraction from the pursuit of the NIC’s mission.

“We face many challenges in the Greek system today and this internal squabbling has rendered the NIC increasingly paralyzed in its efforts,” said Bill Farkas, chief executive officer, Lambda Chi Alpha.
Lambda Chi Alpha prides itself on being an organization that meets or exceeds all NIC standards and the fraternity will continue to hold its chapters and members accountable to standards that are equal to or greater than those advanced by the NIC.

“Lambda Chi Alpha will continue to pursue the development of strong co-curricular partnerships with our host institutions across North America and to promote an environment where all like-minded Greek organizations can be successful,” Farkas said. “Unfortunately, we will do so outside the umbrella of the NIC, unless or until, we are convinced that the NIC’s policies and values are consistent with ours and consistent with the best interests of our campus communities.”

Not much has been said about what, specifically is causing this riff. It’s like a bad breakup, when all you want is the dirt, but both parties are too classy to air their dirty laundry. I hate people like that.

The question remains: what does this mean at school. Will no one join Lambda Chi? Will chapters lose their charters? Will you have to have underground mixers if you choose to continue to…. *adjusts tie, looks at camera* fraternize with them? You’ve always loved bad boys and feeling like you’re breaking the rules…but only the little rules like drinking hard liquor at a beer-and-wine event or smoking pot and pretending it’s a hard drug. Are they even worth it? And, like, are they still going to host their pig roast this year, because that’s kind of a big deal, and you definitely still want to go.

Fear not, for most on-campus fraternities, not much will change. They can still elect to be members of their school’s IFC program, offering them some protection, and making mixers with them legal.

Crazy stuff.

[via PR Newswire]

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at [email protected]

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