
Lululemon Yoga Pants are Back

Everybody in the world is undoubtedly breathing a sigh of relief today. After the “sheer” yoga pants scandal surrounding Lululemon’s $90 workout staples, the company has put their tight-fitting workout pants back on shelves.

A few months ago, the company was under fire for selling yoga pants that were “too sheer” for women to wear in public. Apparently, purchasers of the pants grew irritated after being asked to “bend over” by yoga instructors to make sure their pants were opaque enough to wear while in a downward facing dog position. All of this is news to me, because I was unaware that anyone who wears yoga pants actually does yoga.

Everyone knows yoga pants exist so you never have to put on real pants. They’re comfortable and they’re versatile. Yoga pants can take you everywhere from the tanning bed, to the sorority house, to class, to Starbucks. I hear they’re great to work out in, but I wouldn’t know that because I try to avoid engaging in physical activity on purpose.

I’m also unclear as to why the women complaining about the yoga pants being too sheer were wearing shirts short enough that it mattered. I think the typical pairing of yoga capri’s is an oversized t-shirt, at least that seems to be the consensus on campuses worldwide.

Either way, a few months and $70 million later, Lululemon has put their popular glorified leggings back on the shelves, and I don’t think anyone could be happier. I can continue to be fashionably lazy, bored housewives can be properly outfitted for their barre method classes, and ass guys can sleep a little sounder at night.

And peace is restored.

[via MSN]

Image via MSN


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