
So Do Guys Like It When You Nip Out Or Nah?

Guys Tell All

I’ve been saying for awhile now that nipples are coming back in style, and frankly, they are. With the reemergence of ‘90s fashion comes ‘90s tits, which means a little bit smaller, and a little bit more nippley. Think Jennifer Aniston ala “Friends,” but for everyone. Even as a haver of big boobs, I’ve been trying to go braless a little bit more often. From semi-slutty Snapchats in tank tops, where I “accidentally” don’t realize my headlights are on, to flimsy going out dresses where the eyeballs of the breasts are on fleek, I’ve been trying to make them my perfect new accessory. I’m over cleavage. It seems too intentional. Nipping out is subtly sexy — like you’re telling a guy a secret with your knocks.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized maybe I was alone in this. Ninety minutes into day drinking, my best friend and noted prude looked at me, appalled, and asked “ARE YOU NOT WEARING A BRA?! You know they have like pasties for that right? Or I think I might have band-aids.”

Umm, no, bitch. My nipples are showing on purpose. “I like it! I think it’s kind of hot.”

“Eww, really?”

Bitch. She made me question my choice, just for a second, and I needed to settle the matter, so I did so the only way I know how. By asking guys to objectify women, and let me know what they thought about da nip. And which is hotter, nip or cleavage.

Can be distracting in sub-60 degree temperatures. Cleavage, but not by a lot.


It really depends. If a girl has a huge cup with a deep v, just so you can’t see the bra at all, only the cleavage, and if it’s a hot day, cleavage takes the edge. Overall hot. But if the girl has a regular cup and she’s like really turned on, and that’s why you can see her nipples (not the cold) then nips are hotter


I think some subtle nip is nice. Unless she has some giant pepperonis. But i care more about her personality

It’s hot. There use to be a girl in my math class in high school who wasn’t the most attractive girl but would always be nipping across from me and then it turned into a FWB sitch. Mostly because of the headlights. Nip gets my vote.


Cleave over nip. I think cleavage makes for a good presentation when you’re initially looking at a girl and a nice eye-catcher, especially if it’s the first time you’re seeing someone. It is a sure fire way to get me excited. I don’t have that reaction for just nip. Nips are better once you’ve gotten to the point where you’re taking clothes off, kind of like getting a present and unwrapping it. (And yes, I know how horrible and objectifying that probably sounds, but it works here). If that makes sense

Cleav. nip turn on though


Nips are a game changer. Cleavage is like the hard outer shell of a Tootsie-pop. Nips are the chocolatey center.

Cleavage > Nip. There’s just too much variety in nipping out. It could be a stacked girl who’s a little chilly or a hippie who thinks wearing a bra is right up there with shaving her armpits.

So verdict? I think Ross put it best: “Cleav. nip turn on though.” Because no matter how you present it, boobs make men barbarians.

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at [email protected]

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