
Taylor Swift Portrays Rapunzel In New Disney Campaign

I’ve long been a fan of Annie Leibovitz’s photo collection for Disney. She’s the brilliant photographer who asks celebrities to pose as characters from our favorite Disney movies in a life-like way. They’re just so enchanting, but recently, she’s gone too far.

According to E! News, Taylor Swift is the subject of one such Disney/Leibo collaboration as part of a new campaign in which she is depicted as Disney’s newest darling, Rapunzel.

“If there was ever any doubt that Taylor Swift led a fairy tale life (with maybe a few more Prince Charmings than we remember), well, the proof is in the picture.”

No. Just no. First of all, the last thing this attention-seeking maniac needs is to be part of a Disney campaign, but it is just sooo Taylor to do so. Nothing screams “look at me” more than literally making yourself a princess. If you live your life right, like me, people already know you are one, so proclaiming it publicly to the world just looks pathetic.

Rapunzel is one of my favorites, and the last thing I want is to see one of my least favorite people disgracing her name. If she had to be a princess, she should have been Snow White. No one likes Snow White. See? They have so much in common.

The first thing I thought when I saw the photo was that maybe all of her many ex-boyfriends had finally had enough of her and had done us all a favor by locking her in a tower. Even the E! reporter mentioned the fact that Taylor has had too many boyfriends to count in the last couple of years. At this point, any male celebrity on the market that she hasn’t already dated has been scared off by the threat of an embarrassing song documenting every second of their potential relationship. I guess, now, her only hope for a happily ever after comes through posing as a cartoon.

[via E!]

Image via E!


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Things_That_Sparkle (@SparkleThatTSM) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move.

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