
The Senior Farewell Speech That Says Everything You Can’t Put Into Words


We all like to stand up on our pedestals and pretend we felt deeply devoted to this organization as freshmen, before we even knew what it meant. I’m going to be honest. I came here for the parties — maybe not just for the parties, but a big part of me came here for the parties. I also came here for the status. And I came here for the boys. And I came here for the t-shirts. It’s funny how what I thought I wanted, wasn’t really what I came here to find. I found something I didn’t even know I needed.

I found pledge sisters. And in them, I found worldliness. I found an artist, a fashionista, a comedienne, a wild child, a psychiatrist, a caretaker, a chef, a trainer, and a future first lady. I watched young, silly, freshmen girls grow into the beautiful women they are today. And with sad eyes, and a full heart, they’ll walk beside me out the doors of this school, and then on to their new lives, where I know they’ll have every bit of success, because they are amazing, kind, and beautiful. They’re the kinds of girls you want to surround yourself with, and I’m so fortunate to have been able to share four years, and four walls with them. PC ’10, you’re destined for greatness. Don’t forget that.

I found a big. And in her, I found the smartest, coolest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. And she picked me. To this day, she still intimidates me…just a little, though I’d never tell her that. I’ll never understand how someone just a year older than I am can be so wise. In our three years together, she never steered my wrong. She was my rock. And I was proud to carry on her legacy this year.

I found a little. And in her, I found complete and utter preciousness. I learned what it meant to adore someone. To look out for someone. And I don’t care how creepy that sounds, but she can put a smile on my face simply just by existing. I know she’ll do great things in this sorority, and in our lineage, and in her life. I’m proud of her every single day, and feel so lucky to have met her.

I found a best friend. And in her, I found, for the first time, what it’s like to be completely open with someone. I let my secrets out, and set them free, with no fear of judgement. I found someone to cry to, but mostly, someone to laugh with, at ourselves, at each other, or at nothing at all. If we’re being honest, she’s my real soulmate. Don’t tell David.

Most importantly, through all these women, I found myself. I found the type of person I want to be, when I didn’t even know I was lost. And for that, I’ll be grateful until the end of time.

Throughout my life, I’ve had great friendships. I had them before I came here, and I’ll have them again when I leave. But this–what we have– is different. It’s sisterhood. It’s feeling comfort in a room full of girls you don’t know, just because they share your letters. It’s having pride. So much damn pride that you’d fight for it. You know, verbally, because you’re tiny. It’s having allies in girls you’d never have known otherwise. It’s knowing you never have to be alone. It’s learning that love isn’t something you can see, or hear, or touch…because you love this intangible thing so much you’d do anything for it (except show up to chapter on time. Sorry). It’s the truest love you’ve ever felt…and it’s not for a person…or even for a group of people. It’s for sisterhood.

Everyone says that when they signed their bid cards, they became a part of something. I don’t view it that way. It became a part of me. And they can make me leave this place in that ceremonious torture treatment they call “graduation,” but they can never take that away from me.

So yes. I came here for the parties. For the status. For the boys. And for the t-shirts. But that’s not what I’ll miss when I leave. I’ll miss the girls in this room. I’ll miss the feeling of true sisterhood, true love. I’ll miss my home.

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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at [email protected]

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