
The Terrifying Tinder GPS Glitch That Nobody Knew About Until Now

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It’s all hookups and games until handlebar mustache Ted shows up at your doorstep declaring his love for you. I mean, that’s half of the fun of Tinder, right?


It’s basically the Disney World of mobile apps for meaningless sex, bringing people together one swipe at a time. I mean, even athletes chilling in Sochi’s Olympic Village were taking advantage of its convenience.

The best thing about Tinder is that you can swipe left or right to your heart’s content without any real consequence. The only way Tinder can go wrong is if you accidentally swipe that cutie left after hours of doing the same to the not-so-hot. So what’s this Tinder glitch people are talking about that could land your one true love (read: guy who doesn’t have any chance in hell) on the porch of your sorority house ready to serenade you into a relationship? That’s right ladies, it turns out that everybody’s favorite hookup–I mean “social media”–app had a MASSIVE security breach that let all of your future husband hopefuls know a little more about you than the fact that you love judging people, Starbucks, and “Pretty Little Liars”.

Toward the end of 2013, Tinder broadcasted not only that selfie of you while hanging out at the beach in perfect lighting with your sisters, but also your specific GPS location along with some of your private Facebook data for any creeper with tech skills to take advantage of. Not to get too technical on you, but basically how they were able to do it was through using “rudimentary programming skills” and according to TIME Tech:

“The vulnerability allowed one Tinder user to triangulate the location of another Tinder user within 100 feet,” said Erik Cabetas, the managing partner of Include Security. “You don’t need any special privilege or anything like that. All the information is gathered from the server with any Tinder user account.”

According to other sources, although the flaw was apparently taken care of within hours of its discovery, others who were involved with the issue said that this glitch actually existed for at least two weeks after the fact.

I’m not saying you should delete your Tinder account. That’s crazy. I’m just saying that if you start getting letters from a secret admirer claiming he had to “hack his way” through a lot of girls to get to you, he probably used Tinder to do it.

[via TIME]

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Wine2TheRescue is a legal marketing pro & blogger out of Washington, D.C. but is originally a sorority girl out of Northwest Florida. As a recent graduate and expert twenty-something, she spends most of her time trying to balance her work schedule with her daily required wine intake. It's a struggle she's learning to manage, but nothing she can't lean on her sisters for help with. She is also a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems.

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