
This Grandma Spent Her 100th Birthday Beating College Kids In Beer Pong


Everyone, meet Trevor Pope’s Grandma. She just turned 100, and celebrated her birthday the way I think we all want to. With a hot pink birthday sash, sinking the last cup in beer pong, surrounded by adoring fans, who are probably 70 or more years your junior.

The pure joy in her face when she beats a bunch of punk ass millenials at their own game is incredible.


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Veronica Ruckh

Veronica (@VeronicaRuckh) is the Director of Total Sorority Move for Grandex, Inc. After having spent her undergraduate years drinking $4 double LITs on a patio and drunk texting away potential suitors, she managed to graduate with an impressive GPA and an unimpressive engagement ring -- so unimpressive, in fact, some might say it's not there at all. Veronica has since been fulfilling her duties as "America's big," a title she gave to herself with the help of her giant ego. She has recently switched from vodka to wine on weekdays. Email her at [email protected]

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