
This New Nail Polish Could Save Your Life: Detects Date Rape Drugs And Keeps Creeps Away

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As women living in today’s society, we are faced with a world of threats: men creeping in dark allies as we walk home from our late-night classes, boys who say they’ll love us forever and then dump us a week later, cellulite, etc. While all of these things are vital concerns, there is one thing that we’ve been trained to look out for since we first started going out, playing with boys, and binge drinking vodka-crans, and that is to always, ALWAYS keep an eye on our drinks, to make sure they haven’t been drugged. When it comes down to it, it’s not only sad we have to do this, but it’s a lot harder than it seems.

We’re told not to accept drinks from strangers, but that’s kind of how we expect to get most of our drinks. We’re told not to trust men we just met, but how else will we start a relationship with the guy (because, like, he really might be “the one”) if we immediately distrust him? And we’re told to always keep our drinks covered, but I’m pretty sure they don’t provide sippy cups at happy hour.

Luckily, four amazing, smart, and talented–and not to mention, pretty hot–college students from North Carolina State University are creating a product to help all of us party-loving, boy-chasing, free drink-accepting ladies.

It’s called Undercover Colors. And it will be not only life (and color) changing, but lifesaving.

What is it? A nail polish that will change colors when it comes in contact with date rape drugs, such as Rohypnol (AKA roofies, AKA floories), GHB, and Xanax.

According to their Facebook page, the four men felt inclined to create this product because they all know someone who has been in contact with a date rape drug, and while there is research concerning the drugs in general, not much is out there in the market for the personal detection of the drugs. Sure, there are products like coasters, which will change colors if you splash your drink on them, but, like, are we supposed to go to a bar and bring our coasters with us? I don’t think we’d have to worry about boys talking to us if it came down to that, because then we’d be the losers who brought our own coasters. To a bar.

With this product, we won’t have to worry about sippy cups or coasters. Basically, you just paint your nails before a night out (which, let’s be real, you were going to do anyway) and then, if and when you receive a drink from a handsome stranger, all you have to do is casually stir your free drink with any finger of your choosing and voilà! If your nail changes color, that means the guy is an asshole and you should return the drugged drink to him by throwing it in his face. Or just not drinking it, whatever.

The Facebook page, which already has close to 8,000 likes, states that the mission of this product is to “make potential perpetrators afraid to spike a woman’s drink because now there’s a chance they can get caught.” This is not only empowering to women everywhere, but it’s pretty damn genius.

Currently, almost one in five women in the United States will be sexually assaulted at some point in her life. With products like this, hopefully we can not only protect ourselves and make potential asshole guys scared to try to mess with us, but we can look fabulous as we do it.

Finally, someone gets us. Donate to the cause HERE.

[via Undercover Colors]
[via Buzzfeed]

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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