
This Veteran Is Brought To Tears As He Is Reunited With His Lost Love Letters From WWII

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Let’s flash back to the 1940s: a romantic world without cell phones and social media. Guys would have to call your house to ask you out on a date, and they’d actually go to your door to pick you up rather than send a text that says “here.” It was a time when you didn’t have to worry about why Matt favorited that tramp’s selfie on Twitter — seriously, WTF Matt?!

With many of the eligible bachelors away at war, couples had no other way to communicate with each other than by sending letters. These letters were beautiful sentiments with a lot of heart. Bill Moore sent many of these letters to his “darling, lovable, alluring, Bernadean” during his time serving in World War II. Even though he was only 20, he said he knew the moment he met her, he knew he wanted to marry her.

Now, 75 years later, Bill is a 90-year-old widower to that same “darling, lovable, alluring” woman he went on to marry. He never thought he’d see those letters that began their relationship again. Almost like a Nicholas Sparks movie, the letters were found in a thrift store record sleeve and returned to him. His emotional reunion with his letters even makes my cold soul a little bit warmer.

From now on, I will hand out my mailing address rather than my phone number. Write me, maybe.

[via ABC News]

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email: [email protected]

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