Ashdash (Big)

Member Since 02/01/2016

From South Carolina

  • Ashdash 8 years ago on You've Probably Accidentally Hooked Up With Another Girl's Boyfriend

    From being the other girl at one point, I did know, but it was very complicated thing of emotions since what we were doing was mostly emotional than physical (I’m abstinent till marriage, and the most we did was cuddle). I have a new prospective on relationships now. And how things aren’t black and white. I’m relieved to say that I didn’t ruin a good relationship. I just got on the the tail end of a relationship that was crashing and burning fast (it wasn’t a healthy one). But if you are ever the other woman, know that you aren’t alone. It’s life. It happens. Sometimes you get caught up in pure raw emotions and rationale that you are pulled in to different directions, making you a nervous wreck. Yes, it is a mistake. But you must gage if it is a good mistake or not. I was just lucky that it was a good mistake that did end really well with minimum hurt feelings and both parties ending up with better people that made them happier.

    I’m pretty sure I was the rare case. Just please be smart. Don’t hurt yourself.

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  • Ashdash 8 years ago on The First Woman Ever Is About To Be Featured On The $20 Bill

    Please fact check. Andrew Jackson’s controversy with being on the $20 bill is because of his mass genocide on Native Americans and the fact that he was crazy af. Saying (or implying) that the only reason why it was controversial because he was slave owning when so many of our other presidents were also slave owning and they ain’t getting any buzz. Also Stonewall and Andrew Jackson are two different people. Did you coast through US history in high school or something? I know that history ain’t everyone’s cup of tea, but at least do some kind of research before publishing this!

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