
Which State Drinks The Most Wine?


If you’re reading anything on this site, it’s safe to assume that you love wine – but do you love wine more than the rest of America? Business Insider released this map showing which states drink the most wine per person in 2013.

Wine Map

With my little’s 21st birthday just around the corner, I can safely assume that my state will bump up to #1 for 2014, but for now, DC residents slap the most bags, consuming almost 26 liters of wine per person annually. I don’t know about you, but I’ll sleep a little more soundly at night knowing that the people running our country are fellow winos. The northeast takes the lead with New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Jersey running up. The West comes in a close third with California and Nevada (Vegas, anyone?) consuming an average of 14 liters per person. Trailing the bottom of the list are Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia, whose residents don’t even consume a box each at 2-3 liters per person, confirming all of our assumptions that these are actually the most boring states in America.

How does your state stack up? If you live on the east coast, call me. I feel like we’ll get along just fine.

[via Business Insider]

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RecruitmentChairTSM (@TheRecruitChair) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move. This current grad student and ex-sorority girl survives solely on Diet Coke and the tears of the pledges she personally victimized. She's a Monica, a Marnie, a Miranda, and a Regina. Her favorite hobbies include drinking $14 bottles of wine and binge-watching season 2 of Grey's Anatomy until she cries. You can send her annoying e-mails at [email protected]

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