
You Will Never Be As Crazy As This Girl Who Messaged Her Ex On DirecTV

crazy ex messaged on directv

Girls aren’t crazy, guys make girls crazy. Or at least that’s what I tell myself to be able to sleep at night. There is a crazy girl that lives inside us that is only awoken when necessary. Some crazy girls last longer than others, and some laugh in the face of other crazy girls, but we all have crazy girls nonetheless. This crazy girl, however, might out-crazy the crazy girl in all of us.

After being blocked on every form of social media, Jessica still felt like her ex-boyfriend needed to hear what she had to say, so she messaged him on DirecTV.

Girl. GIRL. Oh my God, girl. That is a whole ‘nother level of crazy. You don’t go straight to messaging on DirecTV. I didn’t even know that you could do that. Who knows what this guy had to do to set her off like this. Clearly, this is not the first time that she’s tried to reach out to him.

In an unsuspected twist of events, the ex-boyfriend also sent out a slew of cryptic texts.

Are these about Jessica? Does he love the crazy just like every other guy? Obviously, this is the only part of the story that we have, but it sure is interesting. Points for creativity, Jessica. Keep doin’ you.

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to [email protected] or by smoke signal.

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