Areyouforreal (New Member)

Member Since 05/08/2012

From Tennessee

  • Areyouforreal 12 years ago on Fail Friday Rebuttal

    I think it took a lot of guts for her to post another video addressing the negative reactions. So, I applaud you Shelby, for rising above to explain yourself, and even apologizing if you did offend anyone. It is sad to see a greek community talk negatively about someone they don’t even know. Learn to give people grace, and treat them the way you would want to be treated. We never know what motivates others’ actions until we personally hear it from them. But even then, none of us are entitled to judge anyone but ourselves. When I see a situation like this, I try to remember what I pledged to my sorority, and how I vowed to treat others, regardless of who they are. I hope we can all remember this.

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