BarelyFunctioning (Big)

Member Since 02/21/2015

From Minnesota

  • BarelyFunctioning 9 years ago on Amy Schumer Managed To Make An Anti-Rape Campaign Funny With This Friday Night Lights Parody

    I think it depends on how someone is joking about rape. If the sketch were making fun of survivors themselves, sort of like Daniel Tosh did when he told that woman she deserves to be raped, it would be pretty screwed up. But in this case it’s making fun of the people who do it and that people who enable rape culture–it’s showing how dumb the reasons people will rape actually are, and it points out a serious issue and some of the subtle ways other people (in this case the other people of the town) allow rape to be perpetuated.

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  • BarelyFunctioning 9 years ago on Sorority Girls Just Broke The Internet Over "Racist" Cooler Paintings

    For anyone who genuinely and truly believes the Civil War was not about slavery:

    in its declaration of secession, Mississippi explained, “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world … a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.”

    In its justification of secession, Texas sums up its view of a union built upon slavery: “We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.”

    Just like the swastika, regardless of its previous purpose, is associated with Nazism and genocide, similarly the Confederate flag is associated with the Confederacy, the Civil War, and slavery. To assume anything else isn’t your “opinion”, it’s a circuitous and illogical denial of fact.

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  • BarelyFunctioning 9 years ago on Wesleyan Fraternity Sues University After Being Told It Must Accept Female Pledges

    In 9th grade I went to summer camp by the beach for the first time. We (the girls in my cabin) were there for a grand total of 6 days, and by the second day I was so repulsed by our bathroom that I used the pool showers half the time. Sand all over the room, hair on the shower walls, beauty products spilled, sand in the beds, and a bathroom floor coated in a mixture of water, sand, and the occasional piece of tissue paper. The point of that essay is to completely disagree that girls are so much less gross than boys. And in regards to sexual assault, the reason coed fraternities aren’t a bad idea is because they help eradicate the groupthink environment that is fostered when very similar people with similar opinions and similar backgrounds come together. No one (with a shred of rationality) is saying all frat boys are rapists. Still, when there are one or two actual rapists putting them in a very closed off group that tends to objectify women and accepts sexist attitudes (look no furthers than the TFM comment section), it makes it easier for them to get away with rape. Putting girls in the house would add different opinions, might make guys think before they make a rape joke, and would humanize a gender that they’re essentially taught to view as useful only for sex or as a beauty prop.

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