CallMeOnIt (Big)

Member Since 07/21/2015

From Texas

  • CallMeOnIt 8 years ago on Mailbag: Should I Let My Boyfriend Watch Porn?

    One thing I cannot stand when this discussion comes up is when people say “all men watch porn.” No. They don’t. Maybe a more accurate comment would be “all men have watched porn in their lifetime,” but not all men actually watch porn.

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  • CallMeOnIt 9 years ago on I Thought I Was In Love With The Man Who Raped Me

    I have a similar-ish experience to this. I was sleeping with a guy I thought I was in love with as well, but we never dated. There was one night I got black out drunk at his house with our friends and I can remember parts of the night and we had sex multiple times, but again – I was drunk af. And then there was a time when I didn’t want to have sex with him, he was already on top of me, I said no multiple times and tried pushing him off but he was too strong so I stopped struggling and let it happen. I never considered these two incidents as rape until a couple of years later when I realized that I never gave my consent and at one point he actually did force himself inside of me. No I don’t want him punished, but by all definitions of the word, I was raped. And so was this girl and many other girls like us. It never caused me great trauma because at the time I thought I loved him and didn’t realize what it actually was, but I still consider it rape. And nobody should take that away from somebody just because their experience was different. It is all nonconsensual sex. It’s still rape.

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  • CallMeOnIt 9 years ago on Is This Racist?

    I understand that some things the girls posted/did were and could be considered racist. But one thing that bothers me is that she included the post about Freddie Grey that said that people were acting like “ignorant monsters” as a racist statement. I don’t see how that, or the comment about the police not being able to do anything about the rioters, is racist. That’s where the race card gets played where it shouldn’t. Yes I understand racism still is alive today and that certain things are racist, but there are far too many things that are called racist that simply just have nothing to do with race.

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  • CallMeOnIt 9 years ago on My Parents Pay For Everything And I'm Not Ashamed Of It

    I get loans to pay for my school but after that, my parents pay for everything, too. They pay for my rent and give me grocery money. I get so much crap from people about it but it’s not even because I don’t try to work I just haven’t been able to find a job (and yes I have tried, hard). My parents aren’t by any means rich. But they ARE well enough off to help me this much. I don’t understand why it’s such a crime.

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