Eugenicist at Large (G-Big)

Member Since 02/20/2013

From Anonymous

  • Eugenicist at Large 11 years ago on When Guys Are Wrongly Labeled as Hot

    ^^ 1) His question should be of direct concern to you, do not have an attitude like Donna from That 70’s Show.
    2) His comment was valid, I suggest you take his advice as you sound vaguely reminiscent of Nancy Pelosi.
    3) You likely shop at Target and have to bleach your moustache in order to not be mistaken for Tom Selleck.

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  • Eugenicist at Large 11 years ago on Top Ten Sorority Girls In Films

    ^^ J Parks tells it how it is.

    ^^^ Why would you care what geeds think? Cool political discourse by the way, your second paragraph makes you sound like a feminist hippie. Go back to San Fran, you bleeding heart.

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