Generic (Big)

Member Since 04/08/2015

From Alabama

  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    First of all I’m not intentionally being insensitive. For all we know surf idle is actually Shutupandread. I have never said anything until now but have notice that ‘new accounts’ always seem to pop up to praise or defend her articles that get fact checked or criticized. I could cite tons of psychology papers that would imply that what was written above is made up and not true the way you tell it. Something tells me surf idle is actually the author of this article.
    Look at the motivation for this article. The author craved praise and attention. She even probably daydreamed of her article going viral, being interviewed by Huffington Post, appointed to the Governors Task Force on Sexual Assault, and maybe testify before Congress. This worked for a small number of women, but the public is onto this scam and it won’t work for you SUAR.. Anyway, this is a satire, humor, and college comedy website. It is not a victims forum.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    According to the Innocence Project over 100 men have been released from prison after DNA proved they were wrongfully convicted of Rape. Ask the women who falsely accused Duke Lacrosse players, UVA fraternity members, and the Colombia 7 mattress girl if they have a heart as well.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    I am always distrustful of women who claim they were raped but there is no police report or perpetrator that can be tracked down to ascertain the facts. I’ll be honest with you, I think many of these girls are lying for attention. But I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt if you do something to actually try and bring this man to justice. You claws he may have done this to more girls. You claim you eventually went to the police and that the detective calls you every time they arrest someone that matches that description. This means you gave a description and they did an police artist sketch of the man.
    Why don’t you post this police sketch of the man with a contact number for the Detective. With millions of page views, there is a chance a TSM reader will recognize this man. You owe it to any past and future victims!!!

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  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    I’m not ‘trolling’ you to be mean. I’m doing what people should have done to NBC’ Brian Williams a long time ago: call him out on his exaggeration and lies. Here is another example: in one of your articles you wrote about how when you arrived on campus as a freshman you knew nothing about Greek life and just wanted to stay unnoticed and quietly graduate. You said you only went to a colonization sorority meeting after receiving Four notices/invites in the mail. Yet in a different article you wrote about hearing about your mom’s sorority stories and all the fun she had. You even mentioned that your dad was a fraternity man and the sweetheart of your mom’s sorority. In this article you said you couldn’t wait to hit the beer, the parties, and the boys.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    I know who SUAR is in real life. She is the same type of person as Jackie Coakley, the girl who made up the UVA rape story in Rolling Stone. SUAR has told many different versions of her story to campus assault groups and it gets more dramatic with each telling.
    She wants to be famous and is trying to use this as a platform for attention.
    Rape is an awful crime.
    Using false Rape stories for attention is worse.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    I remember you wrote an article in which you said you lost your virginity to a guy in an Abraham Lincoln costume.
    Every women’s restroom I have ever seen has a long line. So, out of all of the girls at the church party you were the only one who had to use the restroom?
    No one recognized or knew this man? He just appeared out of nowhere and you never saw him at the church again
    In another TSM comment recently you stated that you broke up with your fiancé over a year ago, and now you claim you still have a fiancé?
    I’m not making light of sexual assault, but you have told many fabulous stories on this website.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on Sorority Girls Just Broke The Internet Over "Racist" Cooler Paintings

    Everything you said has no credibility once you tried to make this a gender issue. You want to trample on the 1st Amendment by banning freedom of expression. YOU are the ‘sexist’ calling to unite one gender against another gender. If you don’t like a cooler with the Stars and Bars, don’t accept a cold drink from it and ignore it.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on Basically The Entire University Of Pennsylvania Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Is About To Drop

    You are right. At the college I’m talking about the oldest fraternity has been around since the 1880s. One frat in particular was associated with Sigma Chi back in the 1890s. The college board of trustees voted to not be associated with national ‘control’. So, the frat changed their letters and has been local since then. They still teach the pledges that they are descendants of Sigma Chi. It would be hard to start over, unless chapters united and voted to disband nationals and become sovereign.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on Basically The Entire University Of Pennsylvania Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Is About To Drop

    I kinda view Nationals like labor unions. At one time, long ago, they may have been necessary, but they have outlived their usefulness. They have minimal interference from the college and are very self reliant. The only real power the college has over Greeks is the use of campus for pledging activities and the privilege of living off campus. But they know that if they revoke the use of campus, the frats and sororities will just do pledge stuff off campus. When frat members get in trouble the college can revoke their off campus privileges and make them live in the nerd dorm for a semester. That is the extent of their authority. Greeks answer to the council and their Alumni. No Nationals.

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  • Generic 9 years ago on Basically The Entire University Of Pennsylvania Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Is About To Drop

    I know of one local fraternity that has been ‘underground’ for the past 25 years. At one point the refused to concede to the college’s demand that they change their pledging process and they were going to be out on probation, so they said ‘fuck it’ and the college derecognized them. All that means is they cannot promote or advertise on campus. Their house is off campus three blocks away and they own it. They still wear their letters, throw parties, have Formals, and do philanthropy. They are not officially recognized by the College Greek council, but are unofficially recognized
    by the other Greek fraternities and sororities.

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