rubies_n_pearls (PNM)

Member Since 02/10/2011

From Virginia

  • rubies_n_pearls 13 years ago on Summer Reading List & Literature Favs

    I am in the middle of “The Help” as it seems most everyone else is, but I also want to read Laura Bush’s book, “Spoken From the Heart.” She is an incredible woman and her story has me intrigued. As a history major I am really interested in reading, “To America,” which is a letter written by an acclaimed historian highlighting the successes of the American experiment.

    One of my sisters is also encouraging me to read “The Secret Life of Bees,” and she has always recommended great reads so I am sure I will enjoy it.

    I am saving a few of these books for my family trip to Maine and I may add, “The Lone Survivor,” since so many of you have written positive things about it.

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