
The 5 Types Of Guys You Will Meet In College

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Whether it be in class or at the party being held off-campus on Saturday night, you will meet some, if not all, of these guys during your four years of college.

1. The Friend Zone Guy
This guy tries his hardest to NOT be your friend, but you can’t see him any other way. He’s there when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you’re too drunk to walk in a straight line, and even when you want to veg out and not be a human for a day. He is ALWAYS there. Why don’t you like him? You will never know for sure. He will spend the all of college trying to remove himself from the friend zone, but it’s just not going to happen.

2. The Guy Who Thinks He’s 10 Times Greater Than He Actually Is
This guy may come in the form of a frat bro or he might think he’s too good to be in a frat altogether. This guy is not your friend, and you’ve seen him at his worst at parties. He will try to be nice to you, but you’ve seen the grimy side of him and know that it would never happen. Why does he bother? Because he thinks he’s great and that he stands a chance with you. Yeah, right.

3. That Amazingly Hot Guy That Has A Girlfriend
This one is the WORST. He’s everything you want: attractive, sweet, funny, athletic–the whole package wrapped up in abs and muscles that you would love to touch every moment of every day. But he has a girlfriend. In fact, he’s been dating her since the beginning of freshman year, maybe even since high school. There’s not even a point in trying to weasel your way into this one unless you’re that mean.

4. The Creeper 
He’s nice, but he’s actually one of the creepiest people you’ve ever met. You can listen to him talk for about five minutes before you get really turned off and don’t want to listen to him anymore. It’s sad because he might be kind of attractive. But then he opens his mouth or does something strange that makes you wonder what he does when he’s alone. He probably has pet rats, and maybe even a tarantula.

5. The One You Like Enough To Date
This guy is a keeper, ladies. He’s the one who makes you happiest, emotionally and physically. He puts up with all of your crap and still manages to like you, which is great because you never give the guy a break. He’s adorable and you two go together well, so when you find him (because you will) hold onto him for dear life. Consider yourself a lucky girl!

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