
This Video Of Puppies As The Cast Of Friends Is Everything That’s Right With The World

Puppies friends

You guys! I have the best thing in the world to show you that basically proves that somewhere there is a god who appreciates the finer things in life, like Friends, puppies, and Matthew Perry.

Are you sitting? I need you to be sitting. I’ll wait, but hurry, because I don’t have all day to make your entire life mean something.

What would make FRIENDS (TV Show) even better???PUPPIES!(via BuzzFeed BFF)

Posted by BuzzFeed UK on Thursday, July 23, 2015


I can’t do math very well, but I think the equation for happiness in life is p+F=m, where p stands for puppies, F stands for Friends, and m stands for magic.

Remember this feeling of happiness. You probably won’t have it again until you get to show of your two-carat solitaire engagement ring to your friends with cluster diamonds. And even then, you’ll still have this video to come back to and watch at your convenience.

Look at you, just winnin’ at life and shit.

[via Buzzfeed]

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My state gave you J. Law, Clooney, two-fifths of the Backstreet Boys, and multiple fifths of bourbon. The SEC is better, Beyoncé is my Jesus, and one time I wrote a cover letter using Brian McKnight lyrics. Psuedo-adult by day; PGP, TFM, and TSM contributor by night. Please don't ask me to do math.

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