
11 Famous Sorority Girls And What Exec Position They (Probably) Held

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1. Jennifer Garner- Pi Beta Phi, Denison University

Jennifer was not the leader type, but she was sweet and eager to help. She was the perfect secretary. She kept everything in line and was the president’s righthand woman. When the chapter was in a pinch, this pinch-faced girl came to the rescue. Her reports in meeting were a reiteration of what the president had already said, with a half-ass peppy message to get everyone ready for the week.

2. Lucy Liu- Chi Omega, University of Michigan

No one was really sure why Lucy rushed. She is quiet and reserved and didn’t go out. You could count on one hand how many times you’ve seen her smile. She took her position of ritual chair just as seriously as she took everything else in her life. She would call you out for not knowing all the words to a song, and shush you if you were snickering during a prayer.

3. Sheryl Crow- Kappa Alpha Theta, University of Missouri

Sheryl was the chapter’s big. You could go to her for anything and she gave the best advice. That’s why she was elected pledge mom. Some sisters talked shit about how she should have been harder on the pledges, but she still managed to get them to respect her and the rest of the sisters, as well as their chapter’s values.

4. Sophia Bush- Kappa Kappa Gamma, University of Southern California

Sophia’s gorgeous looks and ability to schmooze the pants off of anyone earned her the position of recruitment chair. It’s impossible to turn down an offer from her. If it’s good enough for her to be a part of, it’s got to be amazing. But as soon as you were in the chapter, she hazed to the hardest. Respect from such beauty is earned, not given.

5. Carrie Underwood- Sigma Sigma Sigma, Northeastern State University

Carrie was everyone’s rush crush. She was so sweet, bubbly, and a great representation of her chapter. She won PR chair unanimously. She bounced around campus handing out cookies on the first day of school and always looked her best in her letters. She was a proud sister, and her sisters were proud that she was one of theirs. Plus all the guys thought she was hot, so that didn’t hurt.

6. Elizabeth Banks- Delta Delta Delta, University of Pennsylvannia

Elizabeth was everything every girl wanted to be, which is why she was elected president. She was beautiful, smart, and had a good personality. She was the girl that the entire campus knew. She was in three other clubs on campus and still managed to have a killer GPA. She worked her perfect ass off and was out on the weekends in a perfect outfit, strutting in her perfect shoes, and drinking the perfect amount to get the perfect level of drunk. You wanted to hate her fucking guts, but you also wanted to gut her and wear her as a skin suit. Or just be her best friend.

7. Lo Bosworth- Kappa Kappa Gamma, UCLA

Lo was a standards nightmare, but she had some serious connections. It was only natural that she was elected social chair. The power went straight to her head, of course, but you couldn’t deny that she set up the best mixers with the best frats and the best themes. She was still the drunkest one there and she deserved to be.

8. Angela Kinsey- Chi Omega, Baylor University 

Before she was the type-A bitch on The Office, Angela was the type-A standards chair. It’s pretty much synonymous, right? You did not even so much as curse in front of her in fear of what she might do to you. She was all talk, but talk was all she needed. You knew she had a fun side, but even when she was no longer standards, your butt hole tightened up just a little bit when you saw her.

9. Katie Couric- Delta Delta Delta, University of Viriginia

Katie Couric was just as hellbent on saving the world as she is now, so she was philanthropy chair. She was queen of “fun-raising” and got her chapter nationally recognized for all of the money that they raised. She didn’t stop at her own charity, she made sure that her chapter was heavily involved in other chapter’s philanthropy events. They all went, but it doesn’t mean they liked it.

10. Condoleezza Rice- Alpha Chi Omega, University of Denver 

Condi got stuck with finance chair. It was a tough election and someone had to do it. She was upset at first, but she still performed to the best of her abilities. She was stern but understanding, and never let anyone walk all over her when they came to her with dumb reasons why their dues were late.

11. Julia Louis-Dryfus- Delta Gamma, Northwestern University

Julia was the chapter clown, so everyone was a little bit hesitant to give her a position. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, they let her be the one who opens the door when someone came into meeting. Her unofficial jobs were to emcee events and to blurt out any funny comment that came to her head.

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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