
Never Before Seen Photos From The New “Beauty And The Beast” Have Been Released

Three months ago, we finally got the trailer for the highly anticipated live-action remake of Beauty And The Beast. The movie doesn’t come out until 2017 AND even though the trailer was only one minute and thirty seconds, it gives you all those Disney goosebumps. We don’t know too much about the movie (other than Emma Watson is THE perfect Belle), but now there’s newly released photos to get your imagination going.

So you don’t feel weird about any romantic feelings you may or may not have had for a cartoon character growing up, you can now relocate those feelings to full-time hunk slash actor Dan Stevens. Nothing like a good man blouse.

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Cogsworth and a faceless Lumiere have been revealed. Not exactly sure how they’re going to pull this one off, honestly.

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And lastly, a still from arguably one of the best Disney songs to ever exist, “Gaston.” The lyric “I use antlers in all of my decorating!” is hilarious and extremely looked over. Anywhoo, Josh Gad (aka Olaf) is playing Gaston’s little minion, Le Fou. And Gaston? I’m just going to leave this here.

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Image via YouTube

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Now we wait for another trailer.

[via BuzzFeed]

Images via YouTube

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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