- For being so patient while teaching you how to drive a car.
- And teaching you how to change a tire when you inevitably get a flat.
- For always answering the phone and coming to the rescue no matter how late it is.
- For telling you that no guy will ever be good enough for you, but still trying to be nice to the guy you bring home.
- For seriously wanting to kill that guy when he breaks your heart.
- For being the perfect shoulder to cry on.
- And knowing exactly what to say to make you feel better, because he hates seeing his little girl cry.
- For calling you his little girl, no matter old you get.
- For being Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and the easter bunny.
- For making the best pancakes ever.
- For taking you to the zoo, the mall, the movies, and anywhere else you wanted to go over the weekend.
- For paying for cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, and horseback riding lessons.
- For paying for your shopping sprees, sorority dues, and anything else you insist you “need.”
- Basically paying for everything.
- For being your biggest (and loudest) supporter at every game or performance.
- For working all those long hours and still having the energy to stay up and help with your math homework.
- For making you feel better when you mess up by telling you all the crazy things he did when he was your age.
- For not letting you wear that outfit out of the house, because, yeah, you do kind of look like a hooker.
- For teaching you about sports.
- And cars.
- And boys.
- For teaching you that sports, cars, and boys will never make sense to you.
- For embarrassing you in front of your friends.
- For punishing you when you really, honestly deserved it.
- But always reminding you he loves you, even when you act up.
- For always having your back, no matter what.
- For slipping you that glass of wine or sip of beer, and laughing when you made a face.
- For not telling mom about that thing. Seriously, she would’ve freaked.
- For not letting you go to bed or hanging up the phone unless you say “I love you.”
- For loving having a daughter, even though you both know he secretly wanted a son.
- For never, ever letting you down.
- And always picking you back up when someone else did.
- For making you feel beautiful after that one tragic haircut.
- For passing on his crazy sense of humor.
- For being the perfect example of how a man should treat a woman.
- For those big hugs that make you feel completely safe and protected.
- For saying so much with such few words.
- For always reminding you how proud he is to be your dad.
- For helping you move into your dorm freshman year.
- And out of your dorm.
- And into your apartment sophomore year.
- And out of your apartment the same year.
- Basically doing anything for you that involves manual labor.
- For letting you call him “old man” and not get mad.
- For being able to fix absolutely everything.
- For helping you do your taxes when you turned 18 and didn’t realize you had to do your taxes.
- For giving you the best advice on how to get away with it, no matter what “it” is.
- For having the best stories.
- For telling you he doesn’t want anything for Father’s Day, except to be with you.
- For lying and saying he loves the silly tie you got for him, even though you both know he’ll never wear it again.
- For being your number one guy.
- For reminding you of your worth when you need to hear it the most.
- And never letting you forget how much he loves you.
- For being the example you measure every other guy against, knowing that no one comes close to him..
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