
Girl Posts Facebook Status, Cost Her $80,000

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There are many forms of regret out there. Most of us try our best to avoid having regrets, but unfortunately, that pain in the ass feeling is bound to hit us sooner or later. It’s completely understandable–we’re all human. We’re going to do or say things we end up completely wishing we hadn’t, especially after realizing the mess it caused. Of course, that usually isn’t until after the fact. Go figure.

Sometimes the regrets are serious, and other times your guilt lasts about as long as that time you felt bad when you lost your little’s favorite shack shirt. (She had at least three others. You taught her well.) That being said, there are many types of regret–some of us know these feelings all too well. There is “hangover regret,” when you feel like hell the next day after a night of boozing. You might suffer from “relationship regret,” which is when the dude you’re seeing goes all stage 5 clinger on you after a month of dating. Then there’s the ever so public “selfie regret,” where you wake up the next morning and realize you were way too lit to take pictures of anything, especially of yourself. But regret takes a special form when it not only makes you feel like shit, but also affects anyone involved in the incident that began your initial worry in the first place.

I’d imagine nothing is worse than the regret of losing your family $80,000 all because of a Facebook blast that you had no business posting in the first place.

That’s right y’all, Dana Snay cost her family $80,000 on a self-proclaimed Facebook worthy status she wrote, which spilled the results of her father’s recent age discrimination lawsuit against his former employer.

“Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver,” she wrote. “Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT.”

Although I can tell that she spent a significant amount of time constructing her status update, she probably should have spent some more time thinking about how detrimental it would be to dispel the results of a case that contained a strict confidentiality clause, which, if broken, would deem the awarded money to her father void. Maybe this girl didn’t fully understand what a confidentiality agreement entails, but something in her mind said to hell with it–so she shared the news with her 1,200 Facebook friends, several of whom are current or former Gulliver students.

The moral of the story? DO NOT put everything on social media, especially if you plan to take a European vacation using the $80,000 your family just won through a confidential lawsuit.

[via Yahoo]
Image via Facebook

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Wine2TheRescue is a legal marketing pro & blogger out of Washington, D.C. but is originally a sorority girl out of Northwest Florida. As a recent graduate and expert twenty-something, she spends most of her time trying to balance her work schedule with her daily required wine intake. It's a struggle she's learning to manage, but nothing she can't lean on her sisters for help with. She is also a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems.

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