
A Shout Out To The Sorority Women In Uniform

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Growing up in the typical prep school environment, I was always taught that military girls were…well, somewhat masculine. I never imagined what it was like to be part of the military, frankly because of my love for sundresses, my tendency to wear a lot of makeup, and my inability to fathom rolling around in dirt. I just didn’t fit in with my preconceived stereotype of military girls.

Then, a couple years ago, I made the decision to attend the United States Air Force Academy. After closely looking at a variety of schools, I finally decided that, despite the fact I didn’t really like the look of combat boots, it was the best college for me. And hey, the guys are pretty attractive there, right?

I knew I had made the right choice when it came to college, but I still felt a little uncomfortable when I told all my prep school friends of my decision to attend a military school. While most of them were looking at Ivy League schools or other prestigious universities, here I was, as they put it, “joining the front lines.” Most of my friends didn’t understand that I actually was going to college, and they understood even less my desire for a commitment of service.

Looking at TSM and all the proud, military girls throwing their letters in their ABUs (that’s the camo stuff) helped me understand that girly and military don’t have to be separate. You can still be the beautiful, classy Jackie or Audrey, regardless of whether or not you’re in a uniform. Classy is a personality, not an outfit.

So, thank you to all the sundress loving, Diet Coke drinking, girly sisters who serve. You taught me to be a proud woman wearing my camo. You serve our country, and you look great doing it.

Image via People

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