
Woman Goes On Violent Rampage After Bad Haircut

Woman Goes On Violent Rampage After Bad Haircut

If you’ve never contemplated murder after a particularly bad haircut (it was only an inch, but you totally asked for half an inch) you’ve never truly lived. While you usually imagine inventive scenarios that leave you exacting revenge on the stylist who wronged you, your appointment more than likely ends with you crying quietly in the bathroom, surrounded by overpriced products. In New York, a woman went rogue after she discovered her haircut was not what she wanted. Understandable, as we’ve all been there.

In the Financial District (maybe she was coked up à la “The Wolf of Wall Street”) a woman went on a violent rampage through a salon after her haircut went awry. Rachel Meyers, 26, became thoroughly enraged after she blamed stylists for ruining her hair. She threw chairs, hairdryers, shampoo bottles–basically she ransacked the entire salon in her epic fit of haircut-induced rage. Girlfriend even cut another salon-goer who was caught in the crossfire. My mother always did say beauty is pain.

Meyers started yelling, cursing out the stylists, and complaining that they had knotted her hair. I feel sure a spritz of No More Tangles or at least a light coat of Moroccan oil could have prevented this entire situation. While Meyers wasn’t injured physically, she is being charged with assault and harassment. Good on you, Rach, for fighting back. You did it for women all around the world. Unfortunately, it sounds like Meyers is about to learn that any haircut is better than a buzz cut in prison.

[via Gothamist]

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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