
Alpha Gamma Delta At Alabama Made A Sorority Version Of “Humans Of New York” And It Is So Inspiring


Every chapter has some sort of “bragging” ritual or tradition that they take part in. My chapter has a Snap Cup (#TotalLegallyBlondeMove) where girls give shoutouts to the amazing things they (or another sister) accomplished that week. It was usually something like, “Snaps to Emily for landing an internship in NYC!” By the end of the semester, it got pretty ridiculous (“Snaps to Kelsey for throwing up at the bar and still going home with someone!”), but at least it started out with good intentions.

The University of Alabama Psi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta started an Instagram page where they share some of the amazing things their members are doing. Whether it’s pursuing higher education, sharing their talent, or even just giving wise words of wisdom, their page is full of incredible quotes from the girls in their chapter. It’s like the sorority version of Humans of New York. They spotlight a different girl doing something amazing on campus or in their community every couple of days and it’s so refreshing. Not only is it a brilliant recruitment strategy (an incoming freshman actually tipped us off to this account), but it’s also just a good way to let sisters see some of the remarkable things their sisters are doing. In a huge chapter, it’s hard to memorize everyone’s name, let alone know what their goals and aspirations are. It’s definitely worth a follow. Every girl has a unique job, talent, or passion but together they are Alpha Gamma Delta.

Take a look at some of the inspiring stories below.

#HumansOfAlphaGam | "One thing about playing the french horn that most people probably would not know is how much it translates to everything I do. As a student, the horn has taught me discipline and the steps I have to take in order to achieve my goals. As a part of the community, the horn has taught me to be in sync with others, actively listening to the parts others play. As a friend, it has taught me harmony in relationships and to value each part of a person. As a Christian, the horn has taught me to follow the path the Lord has planned and to use my talents to praise Him. Being a part of an ensemble is a special experience that truly shapes an individual and her perspective on all things in life." -Caitlin Baggett, Member of University of Alabama Symphonic Band and future Masters of Nursing student at Augusta University

A photo posted by Humans of Alpha Gam (@psispotlights) on

AGD at Alabama has some exceptionally talented women. Keep it up, ladies.

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Cristina Montemayor

Cristina is a Grandex Writer and Content Manager. She was an intern for over two years before she graduated a semester early to write about college full time, which makes absolutely no sense. She regretfully considers herself a Carrie, but is first and foremost a Rory. She tends to draw strong reactions from people. They are occasionally positive. You can find her in a bar as you're bending down to tie your shoes, drinking Dos XX and drunk crying to Elton John. Email her: (not .com).

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