Clearly, I messed up somewhere along the way because the leadership genes in my sorority family must be recessive. Two of my favorite people on Earth were selected as the chosen ones of my chapter, but I’ve grown to love playing the First Lady. Being part of the reigning branch is something of an all-access gold card that can get you into, or out of nearly any situation, but with great privilege comes great responsibility. Having been through this experience not once, but twice, here are the fifteen most remarkable things that happen when your loved one finds herself catapulted into the spotlight.
- New members will fear and admire you in equal parts as something of an enigma.
- Whether you’ve got strong opinions on the ideal color for formal tanks, alumni banquet venue, or partner fraternity for homecoming, you’ve got a pretty good shot at getting your way.
- Your weekly pedicure or dining hall date with your Madame President will quickly be replaced by late night drives to fast food after her long nights of meetings where she can vent about everything.
- When Madame President vents, do your duty and really listen. She doesn’t trust many people, but yours is one of the most valued voices of her inner circle.
- Be it extra study hours or refresher ritual workshops, you will no longer be prosecuted for whatever superfluous events you “accidentally” skip.
- The criteria for your ~perfect~ little or grand-little will expand to include poise, grace, and leadership potential. After all, this chick isn’t being born into just any old family.
- Though she won’t answer texts as fast as she used to or attend every single mixer.
- She will be down for many, many wine nights whenever and wherever you want.
- Looking for the scoop on Kylie’s ex-boyfriend or the real reason Jamie quit exec? You can bet your bottom dollar that Madame President knows because she’s got authentic intelligence on every single sister in the chapter.
- No matter if you’ve got your sights set on being next semester’s social or philanthropy chair, your homegirl is sure to get you the vote.
- No matter the amount of beer they’ve consumed, boys’ eyes will actually widen in wonder when you introduce your big or little at parties, revealing your noble lineage.
- After controversial chapter decisions, people will be coming to you for a better explanation.
- Nonetheless, keep your ears open and your eyes peeled, because when her administrative duties get crazy, your girl is going to rely on you to serve as her spy.
- Because people will simply respect her more, your stock goes up by association.
- When you introduce yourself to alumni young and old alike, detailing your golden pedigree, they’ll eye you up with a smile and inquire, in all seriousness, “So, why weren’t you the President too?”.
This featured image is a stock photo from our database. The people photographed are not in any way associated with the story.