
A High-Out-Of-Her-Mind Sorority Girl Breaks Into A Stranger’s Home, Gets Nude, Yells “Am I Pretty?” And Assaults A Cop, Because College

high girl

It’s every 20-year-old’s regular Friday night. Take a cocktail of drugs, break into a random person’s apartment, strip down to the nude, and beg for validation.

According to AZ Daily Sun, a Northern Arizona University sorority member decided to get real weird last weekend. After taking God knows what, she must have been feeling insecure, which is totally understandable. So, what do we do when we’re feeling down? We find a random apartment, break in at 4 p.m., take off all of our clothes, jump on the bed, and shout, “Am I pretty?” at the top of our lungs. Classic. But in this student’s case, it didn’t stop there.

When officers arrived, they saw the suspect standing on an exterior second-floor balcony completely naked and yelling incoherently. She put on her underwear, then launched her body into an officer who was climbing the stairs toward her.

The officer was able to catch his balance and place the suspect in handcuffs. She struggled against the officer and yelled that she loved marijuana on her way to the patrol car. Inside, she managed to slip out of her handcuffs and started destroying the interior of the vehicle.

Officers interviewed other witnesses in the area. The witnesses said the suspect was at a nearby residence earlier in the afternoon, but had been kicked out for yelling disruptively without provocation. She ran to a second stranger’s residence, where she used a lawn chair to smash a window in an attempt to get inside. She then hit a Jeep parked outside with the same lawn chair. After that, she ran to the victim’s apartment. When officers retrieved her clothing, they found two of her pant pockets filled with marijuana.

The vivacious lady was “arrested and charged with indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, criminal damage, trespassing, misdemeanor marijuana possession, resisting arrest and aggravated assault of a law enforcement officer.” Which is a whole mess of things she’s going to have to lie to her parents, and standards chair, about.

The best (or worst, depending on how you want to look at it) part of this whole thing was her exit line. Reports say “She struggled against the officer and yelled that she loved marijuana on her way to the patrol car.” I mean, if you’re going to go, at least go with the least amount of dignity you can, right? According to a tip, she allegedly self-suspended two weeks ago, but hey. This girl still knows how to party. Oh, to be young and high.

[via AZ Daily Sun]

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Rachel Varina

(yeahokaywhat) Aspiring to be the next Tina Fey, Rachel spends her free time doing nothing to reach that goal. While judging people based on how they use "they're" vs. "there" on social media, she likes eating buffalo chicken dip, watching other people's Netflix, and wearing sweatpants way more than is socially acceptable.

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