
A Prayer To The Most Holy Object In Your Possession, Your Planner


Oh loyal Planner,
How grateful I am,
For thy existence.

For once I languished a clutter of syllabi,
And Chapter announcements.

Left to fend for myself,
Under the stress
Of sorority life.

This pile of importance
Fell heavier on my shoulders
Than my backpack of unread textbooks.

The stress was stronger
Than the smell of beer on my breath
After Thirsty Thursday.

The anxiety ate at me,
Like the leftover Chipotle in my fridge
That I picked at for days.

Then after a pilgrimage
To the mecca, Target,
I found thee.

Your cardboard cover
Was aesthetically pleasing,
Perfectly pastel.

Organized by month,
July to July,
You became my savior.

I am forever grateful
For your color coded tabs
And light-hearted stickers.

I am forever indebted
To your Mother-like

May your pages stay
Bound, dry,
And flat.

May you guide me
To my tests, written in red,
And Greek events, written in pink.

And may you keep my shit together,
Because Lord knows
I cannot.

In Lilly’s name we pray.

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to [email protected] or by smoke signal.

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