I am not a modern feminist, and this is not a modern feminist post. When we think of modern feminists, we get annoyed. We think of women yelling and shoving ideas down the throats of the public and the media. We think of all the blogs and posts and speeches by women who attempt to raise women up by belittling men. This is not the kind of feminist I am. I am the kind of feminist who is thankful for my right to vote. The kind who is in support of equal wages for both genders. The kind who believes that just because I am a woman, it doesn’t mean I should be looked down upon–but that doesn’t mean I should be elevated above my male counterparts, either. For every kind of feminist like me, this graphic is for you.
Twenty-five-year-old artist Rasenth has created this amazing graphic showing why everyone needs feminism. Like me, Rasenth believes in justice and equality for women. Part of his work that’s so profound is how he shows that feminism benefits everyone–not just women, but men, too. The current gender roles are quite often hurtful to everyone. Rasenth noticed this, and he wants it to end. Everyone should see this graphic, pass it on to her friends, and remember that not all feminists are created equal.
[via Huffington Post]