
Beta Theta Pi At UMaine Camps Out To Raise Funds For Rape Response Services


A few weeks ago, we reported that Alpha Tau Omega at Western Michigan University was camping out to raise awareness of the issue of homeless in their community. And now Beta Theta Pi is doing the same to benefit a different kind of organization.

Friday night, the chapter took part in their 23rd Annual Sleepout, which raises funds for Rape Response Services of Bangor. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Maine in February, but I have, and it’s freaking cold, which makes this event even more remarkable. In addition to the sleepout, the event featured a large bonfire, games, live music, raffles, and various speakers, including one from Rape Response Services.

Not only has the event raised over $30,000 for the organization, it’s also raised awareness of an important cause. Chapter member Holden Parker told WABI, “We’re all about trying to make the world a better place and our purpose that we see in this fraternity is to help support sexual assault awareness.”

Event organizer Dylan Kress told the station that he hopes the event sets off a chain reaction. “If we really set a stance, sex an example for around that country that we are against this, it will really, I think, put a kind of domino effect and other people will really understand what we are doing and join our cause,” he said.

If you want to make a donation or learn more about the chapter’s sleepout, click here.

[via WABI]

Image via UMaine Beta

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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