
Brad And Angelina Have Filed For Divorce

Wellp. The day has come. One of Hollywood’s most legendary couples is dunzo. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who started dating when they played opposite each other in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, have been a staple of Hollywood romance.

Despite their bumpy and controversial start (Brad was married to Jen Aniston), the couple had made it work for over ten years. They married in 2014. They were the parents to six kids. They were everyone’s #goals. Let’s take a moment of silence as it comes tumbling down. According to TMZ, Angelina filed for divorce for conflict over their kids. Angelina filed the legal docs Monday citing irreconcilable differences. 🙁

With six kids and hectic schedules between the two, the custody will be a tough one. Per usual in a divorce, she is asking for custody of the kids, and for Brad to have visitation. As TMZ noted, it is a little odd that she doesn’t want Brad to have joint physical custody, but joint legal custody instead. A source claims that Angelina is “extremely upset” with Brad’s parenting methods.

Now watch this video in remembrance of what once was.


[via TMZ]

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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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