
By Having Sex With Him Every Day, You’re Actually Saving His Life


Sex is good (most of the time). Sex is natural. Apparently for guys, sex is also really healthy. Having a lot of sex, and I mean A LOT of sex, can actually save his life.

According to a new study by the brains at Harvard Medical School, sex is incredibly important in lowering his risk of getting prostate cancer, which according to the Center for Disease Control is the second most common cancer among men.

From Cosmopolitan:

… male participants who ejaculated more than 21 times a month (there are 30-31 days in each month, so you do the math) were at a 22 percent lower risk of getting prostate cancer.

That’s a pretty huge number when it comes to something like preventing cancer. The next time your boyfriend wants to have sex and you’re not feeling it, just remember that he needs this. You could literally be saving his life by having sex with him almost every day.

And if he’s not your boyfriend, go ahead and do him too. It doesn’t matter if he’s your fuck buddy, your FWB, your one-night stand, the bottom line is you are preventing him (or them) from the pain and suffering that comes from getting cancer. You’re saving lives. You’re like a superhero or something.

Can I put down “prostate cancer prevention” as one of my philanthropy hours?

[via Cosmopolitan]

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Cristina Montemayor

Cristina is a Grandex Writer and Content Manager. She was an intern for over two years before she graduated a semester early to write about college full time, which makes absolutely no sense. She regretfully considers herself a Carrie, but is first and foremost a Rory. She tends to draw strong reactions from people. They are occasionally positive. You can find her in a bar as you're bending down to tie your shoes, drinking Dos XX and drunk crying to Elton John. Email her: [email protected] (not .com).

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