
Can’t Find A Date? Good News: Now You Can Rent One

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As fabulous as formal season is, once it rolls around, you’re left scrambling for a date. Maybe you’re happily single (until it’s time for date parties, that is) or maybe your not-boyfriend recently went rogue. Suddenly, you’re forced to deliver a gentleman caller who will entertain you and your gaggle of gals, buy you drinks, and dance like Luke Bryan. It’s easy enough–if you have the money for it.

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness had obviously never heard of Rent-A-Gent, a service where women choose a suitor from a list of “smart and handsome men.” The guys on the site are all divided by profession, so you can finally marry the doctor of your (or your mother’s) dreams. It’s basically Tinder, only with less losers and more prostitution.

For the low price of $200 an hour (think of how many drinks that could buy you) your gentleman caller/servant can be your romantic date, your handyman, or your personal chef. That’s a small price to pay for satisfaction in the bedroom and the bathroom. The only rule when hiring a gigolo is that you can’t get down to business–on the clock, at least.

A woman named Marina recently paid for a man of her own named Eric. His profile said he “loves the outdoors, culture and also active and social causes.” Apparently one thing Eric doesn’t love is the Oxford comma. Marina and Eric went rock climbing, an activity you would have to pay me $200 to do. I’ve been rock climbing, and it’s a platonic activity you can easily do with friends, for free. It’s unclear why girlfriend didn’t wait to rent Eric until she really needed him, like for a holiday dinner with family or to a frenemy’s wedding.

I think Marina likes Rent-A-Gent because it’s easier than owning cats. She says it’s better than Tindering away, because there are no feelings or mind games. While I’m a firm proponent of avoiding all feelings ever, and I would certainly pay not to have them, I have to go with a hard pass on payment for play dates.

[via Business Insider]

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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