
Conversations Between Your Friends Vs. Your Best Friend


The mid-00s, cult-classic reality show The Hills was full of little nuggets of truth and wisdom. One of my absolute favorite quotes from the show is, “There are friends, and then there are BEST friends.” The use of that one word, best, truly does make a world of difference in the way we interact with someone we consider a friend. Different kinds of friends will come in and out of the revolving door of life, but best friends will throw themselves through that door and stay put. Everybody likes to talk, vent, and gossip away with their friends, but best friends are special, and it follows that the exchanges you have with them are going to be different than back-and-forth with a regular old pal.

You: “I have something I need to tell you.”
Friend: “Text me.”
Best Friend: “This is gonna be so good. Call me bitch.”

You: “I had a really shitty day.”
Friend: “Sorry. Tomorrow will be better.”
Best Friend: “Let’s go to happy hour and drink our sorrows away.”

You: “Does this dress make me look fat?”
Friend: “No.”
Best Friend: “Yes. But I’m only telling you the truth because you deserve to hear it.”

You: “Look, that fuckboy texted me again!”
Friend: “Huh. Cool. Be careful or whatever.”
Best Friend: “It’s your life, but know I hate him. And love you. And I will be here for you when he hurts you.”

You: “My diet started today.”
Friend: “Good luck with that!”
Best Friend: “That’s funny, it starts tomorrow because you’re getting nachos and margaritas with me after chapter.”

You: “Wanna go out tonight?”
Friend: “Sure, what time and where are we going?”
Best Friend: “Are we pregaming at yours or mine? We’re also going to (insert favorite bar)! I wonder who’s gonna blackout first!”

You: “Maybe we’ve had too much tonight…”
Friend: “Yeah, let’s go home.”
Best Friend: “We’re already fucked up. Another round!”

You: “I got the summer internship I wanted!”
Friend: “Congratulations!”
Best Friend: “Rockstar! You are one bad bitch who is gonna take over the world someday!”

You: “I’m just so sad right now.”
Friend: “It’s all gonna be okay in the end.”
Best Friend: “I’m on my way to your place with pizza, ice cream, and wine.”

You: “I’m a mess.”
Friend: “You can get it together!”
Best Friend: “Only I’m allowed to call you a mess, but yeah, you really are.”

There’s a reason they’re called the best.

This featured image is a stock photo from our database. The people photographed are not in any way associated with the story.

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She's a fast food connoisseur with a weakness for making the worst decision whenever possible. Dancing on tables is her favorite workout, and she likes her martinis as cold and bitter as her heart.

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