
Delta Chi At The University Of Minnesota Is In Trouble Over “The Bachelor” – Seriously

Delta Chi At The University Of Minnesota Is In Trouble Over “The Bachelor” – Seriously

There are a lot of reasons that fraternities get in trouble. Alcohol, drugs, hazing. But perhaps the most ridiculous is the news this morning that Delta Chi at Minnesota is in hot water over “The Bachelor.”

Delta Chi at the University of Minnesota is in deep trouble after some notes they made about the ladies competing for Nick’s penis heart were made public. A woman who was watching the show with five members of the frat tweeted out a picture of the notes the guys were taking, and let’s just say they were not exactly politically correct. The tweet has since disappeared, but not before people were able to see it. CityPages shared some of the more offensive things on the list, appropriately titled “What Is Love”:

Rachel, for example, is described as “Black” and “greasy.” Danielle L. is a “chink” with “nice tits” who is looking for “true love.” Vanessa, 28, has “BOOBS” and works as a special education teacher, or “tard wrangler,” as our “What is Love?” sheet describes it.

Corrine has “dumpy tits,” and is “needy.” Raven, a 25-year-old from Arkansas, has “cake face” — an apparent reference to her use of makeup — “chubby knees” and is labeled a “possible nigger lover.”

Of course, Delta Chi headquarters had to make a statement (I assume after an internal “Are you fucking kidding me?” conversation):

The comments made in this document are vulgar, inappropriate, and do not represent the Delta Chi Fraternity, our membership at the University of Minnesota, nor our culture as an international brotherhood. The Fraternity is an inclusive organization that welcomes diversity, encourages acceptance, and promotes the advancement of justice. One of our eleven basic expectations for all Delta Chi members is to “respect the dignity and worth of all persons,” and this language obviously does not uphold that standard.

The chapter is working with the campus’s Office of Equity and Diversity to assist it in providing education around understanding equity, diversity, and sensitivity of speech. Chapter leaders, in collaboration with their alumni advisory team, will also conduct a judicial board process to review this circumstance and hold anyone accountable to actions that violate the values and expectations of Delta Chi.

Sigh. Not even The Bachelor is safe from frat dude stupidity.

[via Citypages]

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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