
Drunk Woman Hooks Up With A Stranger While On A Flight With Her Parents

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We’ve all had hookups from hell that we regret, especially if they happened in public (whoops). After all, when you’ve been drinking, lots of places start looking incredibly romantic, from the dirty bar bathroom to the middle of the quad. Everyone makes mistakes when it comes to public romantic entanglements, but this British 20-something’s latest conquest is an inspiration to all of us. Girlfriend had drunk sex on a flight with her parents listening in, and her story will make you feel better about every regrettable and forgettable hookup you’ve ever had.

The last time I traveled with my family, my dad made so many dad jokes that the flight attendant asked if he was bothering me, so I can’t help but be jealous that this airplane shacker had freedom from her family. This girl apparently must have made good use of those adorable mini liquor bottles on her Virgin Atlantic (LOL) flight to Vegas with her parents, because once she was truly blotto, she decided to get frisky with her seat mate, a random. They took their MO to the restroom, where they became lifelong members of the mile high club.

Unfortunately, their foray into not-so-Virgin Atlantic public penetration became a little too noisy. The cabin crew was forced to break down the door, which this lady was not a fan of, as she started screaming obscenities at the crew. In the end, the crew shackled her to her seat. Just be glad your public play dates didn’t end in handcuffs.

Once the loving family arrived in Sin City, the Vegas police detained and questioned the woman. Luckily, she was released, but it’s unclear how she’ll ever be able to look her father in the eyes again. It’s a lesson to us all: not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, especially if it goes down above the city.

[via Gawker]

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Fleur de Lilly

Fleur de Lilly (@margaretabrams) is a contributing writer for Total Sorority Move and Post Grad Problems. When she's not corrupting her big's baby, she can be found decoding texts, gravitating towards raised surfaces, and spending time with her gentleman caller, Jack Daniels. She loves Lilly, Louisiana, and her lineage.

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