
Fail Friday: True Life, I’m in a Sorority

Ten real TSM submissions and one video that didn’t seem quite right. Names were omitted to protect the guilty.

Being hot. TSM
–New York


Having my pianist only play Disney love songs at my wedding. TSM.

Tell me, moron, now when did you let a five year old decide….your wedding play list.

Drink. Lick. Bite. Repeat. TSM

I can only assuming you’re making a sexual reference…and I hear those parts are sensitive and they don’t actually like it when you bite. Crazy, I know.

Mom walks all the way around the house so she doesn’t walk in front of the TV. TSM.

Your mother is worthless.

Referring to non-greek yogurt as “geed” yogurt. TSM.

I call it yogurt…

Never consolidating bags at the mall so everyone can see what good taste you have. TSM.

It’s from Nordy’s, so it MUST be cute.

Actually getting diarrhea at Barnes and Noble. TSM.

That is so fetch.

Admiring my Yurman while flicking the bean. TSM.

So much more satisfying with a visual. Truly.

When playing dirty involves poop and vomit. TSM.

For us, playing dirty involves sending a secret Facebook message to a PNM who likes our rival, but I guess that’s dirty too.

Oh and I forgot to mention – I have herpes. TSM.

It’s fine, everyone loves surprises.

What were you hoping to accomplish with this, though?

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