
Fugly Dude Claims He Will Never Date A Feminist, All Feminists Are Relieved


Dave Hon recently published an article on Josephine magazine about how he will never date a feminist, and it’s getting quite the backlash. He claims if a woman is looking for a reason to hate a guy “chances are [she’s] going to find it.” He then goes on to rant about how the wage gap, rape culture, and general oppression simply doesn’t exist in a woman’s world. The article turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy because he gives women many reasons to dislike him.

People who are more loyal to their gender and not their significant other don’t make good partners. They will always look at you as inherently more fortunate than them. They’ve bought into the “battle of the sexes” mentality and it often pervades their perceptions of romance. Romance turns into a power struggle rather than a partnership.

But wait, it gets worse:

The truth is, these aren’t political issues, but deeply personal ones. Often times, anti-male or anti-female rhetoric is rooted in a previous bad experience. They’re cultural opinions that reflect our world views, and thusly, affect how we want to raise our families. Now that America is more politically divided than ever, it’s impossible to date someone with staunchly different ideals than you.

Hilariously enough, it doesn’t seem that feminists or regular women sleep with Dave either way. Whoever chose to post Dave’s picture along with his article is clearly no friend of his. Pale, pimply, yellow-toothed and balding, Dave doesn’t exactly scream “ladies man” to anyone paying attention. Did it ever occur to Dave that feminists don’t exactly want to date him? His column reveals nothing interesting or new as far as feminism goes, it’s just a sad misplaced rant on why this guy probably isn’t getting laid. He’s that fat guy that thinks fat chicks are gross. It’s always extremely funny when people try to place blame one on thing when it’s for something else entirely. Twitter went absolutely crazy when they saw Dave’s picture, and can we blame them? He’s hilarious ugly for someone so opinionated.

Don’t worry, Dave. We don’t think the feminists will be chasing after you anytime soon.

[via BroBible]

Image via Shutterstock

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