
Going To Philanthropy Events Will Get You Laid, According To Science

philanthropy will get you laid

If you’ve ever been alive, then you’ve heard the phrase “nice guys finish last.” Every movie makes us think that the bad boys are the ones who get the ladies while the nice guys wait for them to realize that they’ve been there all along, but as it turns out, it might not be the case. The British Journal of Psychology did a study recently that suggested the better of a person you are, the more likely you’ll get laid.

For the study, 192 women and 105 men answered a survey about their altruistic habits, which included how often they donated blood, gave to charities, and helped out their neighbors. They then self-reported on their sexual histories. In comparing the participants’ responses and their sex lives, researchers found that people who scored higher on the altruism survey were likely to have had more sexual partners.

Assuming everyone was telling the truth, this could be an excellent tactic to get sisters to do community service. It’s nearly impossible to get sisters to get to early morning philanthropy events, especially on the weekends. You can promise them not only a warm fuzzy feeling in their hearts, but also one in their pants. Blood drives will get them boned. Raising money will raise their body count. Giving cans at a food drive will get them a man.

So next time you are going to a philanthropy event, make sure you shave, stretch, and bring condoms. All that doing good will end in doing it. After all, even if nice guys finish last, they finish more often.

[via Refinery29]

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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