
Greeks Of The Week: February 3, 2017

Being Greek comes with a lot of benefits, but also a lot of flack. There are tons of headlines all over the internet about Greeks partying, getting shut down, and wreaking havoc. But more than that, we’re all out here doing a lot of good. Here are some of the most impressive Greeks in the country this week and their stories.

Alpha Chi Omega at Louisiana Tech Raising Funds For A Sister With Cancer


Sisterhood is about being there for each other both in good times and bad, and the sisters at the Louisiana Tech chapter of Alpha Chi Omega are stepping up for a sister in need, starting a GoFundMe page for a member who is currently being treated for cancer. From the page:

Jade is a Junior majoring in accounting at Louisiana Tech and a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. At the beginning of January she was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgskins Lymphoma. This is a fundraiser to help her family with medical bills. Jade is currently in Chemotherapy in Alexandria, LA. Fortunately, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a very curable disease and we look forward to having Jade back with us in Ruston as soon as possible.

Jade herself also took to the page to say thanks:

“Hi my name is Jade Stubbs and I just want to thank everyone who is donating to help me with my medical bills! Every little bit helps along with any prayers sent my way❤ thank you once again for everything!”

Nice job, ladies. And prayers to Jade.

Sigma Nu at Ole Miss Initiates Man 59 Years After He Pledged


When Ed Meek was a freshman at Ole Miss in 1958, he wanted to join Sigma Nu. However, since he was paying for college himself, the dues bill of a few hundred dollars put membership out of reach. Until, that is, this past Sunday, when Meek was initiated as the chapter’s 3,000th initiate since its founding.

Sigma Nu alum and a friend of Meek’s, Bill Cossar, got the ball rolling two years ago to have Meek formally initiated, and the active chapter members approved his initiation with this fall’s pledge class.

Even though he wasn’t a “real” member, Meek always considered himself a Sigma Nu, telling The Sun Herald:

I have always felt like I was a Sigma Nu/ Some of my best friends in the country have remained Sigma Nu’s even though I was just there three weeks. The bond that developed has always been there, with friends like Trent (Lott, the former United States Senator from Mississippi) and Carson Hughes (of Jackson). It became the brotherhood for me even though I didn’t go through the process like the others.

Meek, who retired as the longtime assistant vice chancellor for public relations and marketing at the university, is honored by his initiation, but Sigma Nu realizes the real honor is theirs. Says his friend, Harris, “The chapter is not doing anything for Ed. Ed is honoring the chapter by accepting this.”

[via The Sun Herald]

Sisters from Alpha Kappa Alpha Celebrate The Ultimate Gift By Promoting Live Organ Donation


My sisters have given me lot of things: confidence, rides to class in the snow, and the occasional few bucks when I’m short at the bar. But Cheryl Williams went above and beyond when she gave her Alpha Kappa Alpha sister Candace Ogilvie a kidney.

That’s right, Williams gave one of her sisters an organ. Ogilvie’s kidney started failing after complications from surgery, and as Williams told WKRN, “I said jokingly, ‘Well Candace if you can ring some of the champagne out of one of these, you can have mine.”

It turns out Williams was a match and on January 24, 2012, one of her kidneys was successfully transplanted to Ogilvie. Now, on the fifth anniversary of the surgery, the two sisters are speaking out to try and spread the word about live organ donation.

“Being a living donor saves lives – it doesn’t compromise your quality of life,” Williams said. Ogilvie added, “She is my angel here on earth.”

Now that’ssisterhood.

[via WKRN]

Videos of the Week

Phi Sigma Sigma at Syracuse

Gamma Phi Beta at Chico State

Kappa Delta at Marquette University

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Jenna Crowley

Jenna used to be known as 2NOTBrokeGirls, but then one of the girls actually went broke, so she's struck out on her own. Jenna spends her free time saving the world, one sorority girl at a time (usually while wearing yoga pants), questioning why she decided to get a doctorate, and documenting her love of all things cheese related. You can ask her anything you want about football, using your boobs to get what you want, and pizza at @JennaLCrowley on Twitter or via email at

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