
Inspiring: Hot Roommate Remains Confidently Naked Regardless Of Company

naked roommate

Confidence is something that women everywhere struggle with. For many of us, our bodies are an all-consuming concern that hinders us from living our lives to the fullest. But not for Samantha Smith. Samantha has been a naked roommate ever since she moved to college.

“I don’t know what it is, I just feel more comfortable when I’m wearing as little clothing as possible. They’re restricting, and I feel like we should all be free,” Samantha told TSM.

Samantha is known for wearing either a t-shirt and underwear or a sports bra and shorts, but never more than that. As soon as she returns home from class, the first thing she does is take her pants off. It doesn’t hurt that she has an ass that just won’t quit. It does annoy some, however.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about body confidence, but all I ask is she puts on a pair of shorts when I have a guy come over. I can see it in their face as they are forced to make a conscious decision to not be a complete dickhead and hit on her right in front of me,” her roommate, Danielle, reported. “It’s kind of hard to compete with her, especially when she looks like she bathes in cocoa butter every night. I have no idea how that girl keeps her skins so smooth. She, like, doesn’t even try to look good, but somehow she does. It’s a complete mystery. Also, she doesn’t seem to know what doors are. No matter if she’s changing her clothes or a tampon, the door is wide open and she’ll have a full conversation with you.”

Though being the naked roommate may seem like such a simple task, Samantha says that it’s more than just not liking clothes.

“It’s less about not liking clothes and more about liking yourself. I feel like if I start the precedent of not wearing clothes, then other people will feel more comfortable with their own bodies, and they will do the same. It’s all about self love.”

We relayed this message to Danielle, and she did not seem to agree with her.

“She said what?! It does not ‘inspire’ me to feel better about myself. If anything, it inspires me to come up with creative ways to commit suicide because I will never look like her. Just one time I want my parents to be able to come to my apartment without her nipples staring at them in the face through her thin shirt.”

Samantha has plans to go on to be a motivational speaker that everyone will roll their eyes at. She wants to help others to feel as confident as she is, despite never looking as good as her.

“In five years, I see myself giving a speech at a college while all the girls whisper to each other that of course I’m confident because I look like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. And, of course, I still won’t be wearing pants when delivery boys come to the door.”

Image via Shutterstock

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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