
Justin Bieber Lip-Synced An Entire Concert Because He Was Hungover

Justin Bieber

A musical genius/my imaginary boyfriend, Justin Bieber, once sang in his angelic voice, “Is it too late now to say sorry?” Yes, darling. If the rumors are true, it is definitely too late to apologize for lip-syncing an entire concert.

We get it. Alcohol sometimes leads to bad decisions. This past weekend, however, J.Biebs he nodded his head yes when he wanted to say no (pun intended) when Rihanna asked if he wanted to party at Tape nightclub in London. Similar to finals week, sometimes you should probably stay in when you have something important the next day, like, oh I don’t know, perhaps a concert in front of fans that paid $260 for tickets at England’s V Festival.

“I’m a little hungover, I’m not gonna lie,” College Candy reports he told fans that night. “You guys don’t like to fake anything in the UK, which I respect.”

Rumor has it that he flew in on a helicopter, mouthed a couple of songs, then left. As much as I would like to defend him, I really can’t on this one. Admitting his predicament was nice of him, but wasting their money was so beyond not cool. He has more talent than common sense sometimes. By now he should have mastered a way to sing and make it work, even if he is cursed with a tragic hangover. However, as we all know, the best option would obviously be to just not get that hammered prior to a concert anymore. I think I speak for all of his fans when I plead for him to never pull this shit again.

[via College Candy]

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Kellie Stritz

Kellie, spelled with an "ie," practically resides at Starbucks even though they have yet to spell her name correctly. She's obsessed with the color pink, Elle Woods, and Bitmoji's. Her biggest accomplishment is breaking the record within her sorority for how many standards hearings she has had without getting kicked out. She spends her free time trying to stay tan (i.e. sunburnt) and stalking people on social media.

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