
Khloe Kardashian Continues To Prove Why She Is Everyones Favorite Kardashian


Khloe Kardashian is the best Kardashian, hands down, and if you don’t agree, you’re wrong. Not like that has ever been doubted, but Khloe further cemented herself as the favorite with her absurd painkiller and antibiotic induced tweeting last night.

It all started when Koko mentioned the Rockets, presumably because of her ongoing relationship with James Harden, in a seemingly innocent tweet about the game that had just occurred. Apparently two of Khloe’s followers were not fans of that, not at all.

Never one to be silent, Khloe shot back at the haters.

Another poor soul tries to get in on the action, only to be showed the error of his ways.

There’s also this gem:

There is literally just too much awesomeness in this entire thread. When people are coming at her about her marriage vows, she not only manages to shut them down, but she also throws shade at Lamar and his less than husbandly behavior.

Mostly I love that celebs are just like us. Give us a few too many glasses of wine or one too many prescription pain killers and wait for the Twitter hilarity to ensue. Thanks for being so relatable Khloe, and fuck the haters.

Khlo-Money came out in full force and I loved every second of it.

[via Twitter]

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Champagne Showers is a contributing writer for TSM. She is your typical Northern Diva. If curse words, sexual content, and drug use offend you, then bless your heart. CS will continue living the life you're too scared to live. email her at:

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