
Mac Miller And Ariana Grande’s New Music Video Will Bring Light Into Your Cold, Dead Heart


Mac Miller and Ariana Grande is one of the best celebrity couples in Hollywood right now. Ariana, a diva of our generation, and Mac Miller, a bonafide bad boy, don’t seem like they would have much in common. But when you see them together, it just makes sense. It’s even better when they collaborate on songs together. In 2013, Mac was featured on Ariana’s song The Way, which is still a perfect song to belt out in the car, and he returned the favor by having Ariana be featured on his new single My Favorite Part from his most recent album, and both the song and the music video makes your soul smile.

*Sigh*. First of all, starting with a silent-film-esque story about neighbors who secretly love each other already puts you in a romantic mood. When they sing to each other through the walls, it makes you want to bust them down just so they can be together. It reminds you of all those nights you spent in middle school and high school, crushing on the guy who might not even know your name, but in a miraculous turn of events, he is crushing on you back. They spend the whole video thinking about how much they wish they could be together and how much they appreciate each other, and their voices just match perfectly. His gruff sing-talking meshes with her killer range to make a harmony just as flawless as their relationship.

As if it couldn’t get any better, at the end of the video, Mac gets up to go knock on her door, and before he can, she OPENS THE DOOR AND PULLS HIM INSIDE. It’s all just too much. The whole video is amazing, but the fact that I can watch it over and over again is probably my favorite part.

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Ali Hin

A born and raised Jersey girl, she can always be found covered in sand and pizza sauce. Her personal brand is "that girl." She prefers wine in bottles because she thinks outside of the box. Send fan mail to or by smoke signal.

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